Machiavelian politics

Making the “Uknown Known.” Errol Morris’ incisive and devastating portrait of Donald Rumsfeld. A real horror movie into American politics and the grammar of power.

About Alexandra Guité

Alexandra GUITÉ is a documentary film director, video-journalist and teacher whose documentary films are innovative and engaging treatments of moving human stories. She completed the Institut National de l’Image et du Son’s film direction program in 2006. Passionate about the human condition, she also holds Master’s degrees both in Philosophy and Political Science as well as PhD studies in Sociology and Religion Studies. A dedicated yoga practitioner, she has completed 500 hours advanced yoga teacher certifications. She teaches a weekly meditative class. Versatile and instinctive, she can research, write, direct, film and edit provocative political and creative point-of-view documentaries as well as introspective portraits. In her films, she has explored a broad variety of topics such as the aftermaths of a famous land expropriation, the creativity of Latin-American social movements, the social power of art in Buenos Aires, noise pollution, organic agriculture, the damages of residential schools, the life of Canada's First Nations, gentrification, homelessness as well as ballroom dancing. In 2010, she wrote, researched, directed and co-produced the 12 films of ARTE-NFB's award winning Web Documentary Sound Ecology. She has also roamed the Arctic and Canada’s West Coast producing short films for CBC-Radio-Canada. She now teaches interactive media, film and journalism after working for some years for Canada's national broadcaster (CBC/SRC), creating technological-cultural reports and directing more than 200 documentaries on poignant social and human issues.
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